Inside the human body there are many important organs, one of which is the intestine. Intestinal disease / digestive disease is a disease that most often attacks the digestive tract in humans. There are several intestinal diseases that are dangerous and there are also harmless intestinal diseases. In this research, researchers created an android-based expert system application that can provide information to the users about diseases that are being suffered through the symptoms experienced by the user. The process of making expert system applications using the certainty factor algorithm. The certainty factor algorithm is used to accommodate the uncertainty of an expert's. The mechanism that be used in the certainty factor algorithm on each symptom uses a measure of increased belief (MB) and measure of increased disbelief (MD). Expert system applications that have been built to detect intestinal diseases based on Android have been successfully implemented with a presentation of accuracy of 99.7265625%. by that percentage, it show us that the diagnosis of symptoms of the selected disease is in suitable by the experienced of user, and has the accuracy determined by the system

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