Pemberian Vaksin Formalin Killed Cell (FKC) Vibrio alginolitycus untuk Meningkatkan Survival Rate (SR), Titer Antibodi dan Fagositosis Leukosit pada Kerapu Cantang (Epinephelus sp.) setelah Uji Tantang Bakteri Vibrio alginolitycus [Administration of Vaccine Formalin Killed Cell (FKC) Vibrio alginolyticus to Increase Survival Rate (SR), Antibody Titre, and Phagocytic Leukocytes Cantang Grouper (Epinephelus sp.) Against Bacteria Vibrio alginolitycus]


Vaccination is an attempt to give-specific endurance through vaccine. Vaccination is used to prevent infectious diseases and effective to control fish diseases such as bacterial attack V. alginolyticus. Observations survival rate (SR) and measurement of antibody titre is a measure of the effectiveness of vaccination, while the level of health of the fish can be seen from the hematology one of which is phagocytic leukocytes. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the vaccine Formaldehyde Killed Cell (FKC) Vibrio alginolitycus to increase survival rate (SR), antibody titre, and phagocytic leucocytes cantang grouper (Epinephelus sp.) This research used a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The treatment used is the negative control, the positive control, 0.0125 mg / 5 g BB fish, 0.25 mg / 5 g BB fish , 0.5 mg / 5 BB fish. Analysis of the results using ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test continued. The results showed that the treatment of vaccination impact the survival rate (SR), antibody titre, and phagocytosis index cantang grouper seed. Total survival rate, antibody titre, and the best phagocytosis index cantang grouper with consecutive values as follows70,0%, 298,67, and 52,67%. This research that used the vaccine formaldehyde killed cells (FKC) Vibrio alginolitycus can provide protection to the fish and the use of different doses capable of affecting the survival rate (SR), antibody titre, and the index of phagocytosis

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