(Re)standardization in the Vice of National Identity: the Cases of Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin


Among different functions of linguistic standardization, the unifying, separatist, and prestige functions play a special role. In this paper, we focus on the separatist function, which calls for a redefinition of the status of standard languages. In addition, politics plays an important role within this process. In such cases we are often dealing with restandardization or – in other words – the reshaping of an already standardized language; however, on different terms. We present the results of such processes on the four successor-languages of the former Serbo-Croatian, i.e. Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin. All underwent numerous (necessary as well as unnecessary) changes following the separation, especially in lexis and phonetics, the changes bearing significant symbolic meaning. The reasons for changes are thus external (new sociopolitical order) as well as internal (change in the relation towards the neighboring standard languages, increased interest in linguistic matters, partisanship of individual linguists within institutions, etc.), and in both cases, closely linked to political structures.

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