Development of The Well Star ScaleIyilik Hali Yildizi Ölçegi'nin gelistirilmesi


Various models of wellness have appeared in the literature and had common themes including choice, process, life-style, and characteristics of healthy individuals. The Well-Star model was developed for use with a Turkish population and the work described in this article documents the development of an assessment instrument for wellness according to The Well-Star model. After a review of the literature an item pool was established and after taking feedback from four counselor educators, this item pool was reduced to items. The participants in this investigation were 545 university students representing three separate groups. The first group was composed of 291 and data were collected for the purpose of performing an exploratory factor analysis. The second group’s data was used to perform a confirmatory factor analysis (N= 156). The final group of 98 provided data that permitted assessment of concurrent validity and reliability. After Exploratory factor analysis 24 items and five dimensions emerged. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test goodness of fit whether the factor structure was acceptable. In an attempt to establish criterion related validity (concurrent type) the results of the Well-Star and the results of Health Promoting Lifestyle II (Walker & Hill-Polerecky, 1996) which was adapted for Turkish by Bahar, Beser, Gördes, Ersin and Kissal (2008) when administered were correlated (r=.76, p<.0001) which was considered quite satisfactory. Reliability was determined by calculating Chronbach’s Alpha was 0.86. Alpha values for sub-dimensions ranged from 0 .57 to 0.79. These results suggest that the instrument possesses acceptable validity and reliability. Findings were discussed according to literature. ÖzetIyilik haliyle ilgili modellerin ortakliklari iyilik halinin bir seçim, süreç, yasam biçimi oldugunu ve saglikli insanlarin özelliklerini göstermesidir. Bu çalismada, iyilik hali yildizi modeline dayali olarak üniversite ögrencileri için bir ölçegin gelistirilmesi ile ilgili yapilan psikometrik çalismalar verilmistir. Madde yazim hazirliklari sonucunda madde havuzu için dört psikolojik danisman egitimcisinden geri bildirim alinarak ölçegin 59 maddelik uygulamaya hazir olan taslagi elde edilmistir. Arastirmada veriler üç farkli gruptan toplam 545 üniversite ögrencisinden edinilmistir. Açiklayici faktör analizi için 291 ögrenciden elde edilen veriler kullanilmistir Yapilan analizleri sonucunda 24 maddeli ve bes boyutlu ölçek elde edilmis ve 156 ögrenciye uygulanarak dogrulayici faktör analizi yapilmistir. Yapilan analiz sonucunda modelin dogrulandigi sonucuna ulasilmistir Buna göre ölçege Iyilik Hali Yildizi Ölçegi (IHYÖ) adi verilmistir. Toplam 98 ögrenci ile yapilan benzer ölçekler geçerligi için Bahar, Beser, Gördes, Ersin ve Kissal, (2008) tarafindan Türkçe’ye uyarlanan Saglikli Yasam Biçimi Davranislari Ölçegi II kullanilmis ve IHYÖ ile korelasyonu 0.76 bulunmustur. Yapilan güvenirlik çalismalarinda ölçegin toplami için içtutarlik katsayisi r=0.86, alt boyutlarinkiler ise sirasiyla 0.79; 0.77; 0.63; 0.57 ve 0.71 olarak elde edilmistir. Elde edilen sonuçlari IHYÖ’nün üniversite ögrencileri için kullanilabilecek özellikte oldugunu göstermektedir.

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