Modified Bottle Cap for Improving Children’s Arithmetic Ability


The preliminary study showed that the main problem, however, faced by kindergarten students are lack of mathematics skill, such arithmetic ability in kindergarten Galis. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a modified bottle cap as an educational game tool towards enhancement of arithmetic ability. Samples were prepared for the quasi-experiment research design involving 60 children, aged 4-5 years. A detailed comparison is made between the experimental condition, consisted of 30 students, received the educational game tool activities and the control condition which consisted of 30 students, received the instructional activities as usual. Before and after two weeks of the intervention with the game tool of a modified bottle cap, measures of arithmetic ability were administered to either experiment or control class. The results of the study indicated that in the experiment class, children’s arithmetic ability increased significantly compared to children in the control class. The differences may have been due to the intervention. To conclude, the modified bottle cap as an educational game tool effective to improve children’s mathematics skill, especially for arithmetic ability. However, the findings required the extended study on other research methods and the bigger size of the samples.Keywords: Early Childhood, Modified bottle cap, Early Arithmetic Ability.References:Aqib, Zainal. (2010). Belajar dan Pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-Kanak. Bandung: Yrama Widya.Arsyad, A. (2017). Media Pembelajaran. PT Raja Grafindo Pursada.Aunio, Pirjo; Tapola, Anna; Mononen; and Niemivirta, M. (2016). Early Mathematics Skill Development, Low Performance, and Parental Support in the Finnish Context. In Blevins-Knabe; A.M.B. Austin (Ed.), Early Childhood Mathematic Skill Development in the home environment. 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