Penggunaan Feature Selection di Algoritma Support Vector Machine untuk Sentimen Analisis Komisi Pemilihan Umum


At this time sentiment analysis is very widely used by people to see the extent of people's sentiments towards an object.  Objects that can be used in sentiment analysis can be various kinds, for example about the product regarding receipt by consumers, agencies or institutions regarding the performance of the agency. Whereas for this study taking sentiment analysis of the State Institution namely the General Election Commission (KPU) about the sentiments of the implementation of the ELECTION simultaneously and also the results of the implementation of the ELECTION which have become the subject of discussion by netizens on social media. So this research takes retweet data and retention comments from Twitter social media users. The algorithm used in this study is Support Vector Machine (SVM), with optimization of the use of Weight by Correlation Feature Selection (FS). The results of cross validation SVM without FS are 66.49% for accuracy and 0.716 for AUC. Whereas SVM with FS is 81.18% for accuracy and 0.943 for AUC. Very significant improvement with the use of Weight by Correlation Feature Selection (FS).

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Revista: Techno.Com