A compilation study on the staff definitions and employment problems of the personnel working in the sports services of metropolitan municipalitiesBüyüksehir belediyelerinin spor hizmetlerinde çalismakta olan personelin kadro tanimlari ve istihdam problemlerine yönelik derleme bir çalisma


In this study, the personnel needs of the metropolitan municipalities employed in the sports services, the staff definitions and the situation related to the employment process were determined. It is aimed to examine the problems. The research is designed using descriptive and reviewing  method.The sport services are defined as an assignment in the article 59 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey with the expression “The State shall take measures to develop the physical and mental health of Turkish citizens of all ages, and encourage the spread of sports among the masses”. Local governments are a form of government that is in direct contact with society, as a public legal entity. The Constitution imposes responsibility on local governments in terms of the implementation of sports services, with these expressions. Furthermore, it is seen that the Municipal Law No. 5393 also imposes various responsibilities and duties. Services shall be provided by municipalities are counted in the subparagraph (a) of the article 14 of Law No 5393. These include the task of carrying out or making youth and sports services. Personnel recruitment is needed to carry out these duties and responsibilities. The employment of the municipalities, which are public legal entities, is subject to the Constitution and the law. In the article 128 of the Constitution, there is mentioned that public legal entities are obliged to execute public services shall be carried out by public servants and other public employees. The definition and description of civil servants are made in the Civil Servants Law No. 657. In the study, it was concluded that the terms of reference of the personnel to be stipulated in the sports services carried out metropolitan municipalities and to include their titles in the relevant legislation.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalismada büyüksehir belediyelerinin spor hizmetlerinde çalistirilan personel ihtiyaci, kadro tanimlari ve istihdam süreci ile ilgili durum tespit edilmis ve ortaya çikan sorunlarin incelenmesi amaçlanmistir. Arastirmada betimsel yöntemden yararlanilmistir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasasinin 59. Maddesinde; “Devlet, her yastaki Türk vatandaslarinin beden ve ruh sagligini gelistirecek tedbirleri alir, sporun kitlelere yayilmasini tesvik eder” ifadesiyle spor hizmetlerini bir ödev olarak tanimlamaktadir. Yerel yönetimler kamu tüzel kisisi olarak topluma dogrudan temas eden bir yönetim biçimidir. Anaysa bu ifadelerle, spor hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi açisindan yerel yönetimlere sorumluluk yüklemektedir. Ayrica 5393 sayili Belediye Kanununun da çesitli sorumluluk ve ödevler yükledigi görülmektedir. 5393 sayili kanunun 14. maddesi (a) bendinde yürütmesi gereken hizmetler sayilmistir. Bunlar arasinda gençlik ve spor hizmetlerini yapmak veya yaptirmak görevlerine de yer verilmistir. Bu görev ve sorumluluklarin yürütülmesi için ise personel istihdamina ihtiyaç duyulmaktadir. Bir kamu tüzel kisisi olan belediyelerin, personel istihdami Anayasa’ya ve kanuna tabidir. Anayasanin 128. maddesinde, kamu tüzel kisiliklerin yürütmekte yükümlü oldugu kamu hizmetlerini, memurlar ve diger kamu görevlileri eliyle yürütebilecegi hükmü bulunmaktadir. Memurlarin kim oldugu ve tanimi ise 657 sayili Devlet Memurlari Kanununda yapilmaktadir. Çalismada büyüksehir belediyelerinde yürütülen spor hizmetlerinde istidam edilecek personelin görev tanimi yapilarak ilgili mevzuatta unvanlarina yer verilmesi gerektigi sonucuna ulasilmistir.

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