Impact of Compost Application on Fall-seeded Camelina Yield and Seed Quality


Camelina sativa (L). Crantz is a novel promising oilseed plant that can be grown as a spring annual crop or as a winter annual, in milder climates, providing distinct advantages. The objectives of this 3-year study were to evaluate the agronomic potential of fall-seeded camelina in Mediterranean conditions and the effect of compost application on its yield and quality characteristics. The response of fall-seeded camelina to organic fertilization resulted in tripling the seed yield and enhance the weight of seeds, compared to the unfertilized control. Concerning, seed quality characteristics compost application significantly enhanced only seed ash percentage (3.71%) as compared to control (3.05%) and lesser the crude fiber, crude protein and oil content. Results indicated that camelina is a feasible winter crop for Southern Greece and further studies must be carried out to optimize its production.

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