Anre Gurutta Haji (A.G.H) Muhammad As’ad is one of the actors of forming Islamic Boarding Schools in South Sulawesi. He went back from Makkah and went to Sengkang-Wajo in 1928. He graduated from al-Falah Makkah Mukarramah. He studied to the great Ulamas in the Mesjidil Haram (Haram Mosque). Among of his teachers were Syekh Abdul Rasyid al-Bugis, Syekh Ambo Wellang al-Bugis, Syekh Abbas Abdul Jabbar al-Bugis, Syekh Mallawa al-Bugis, Syekh Umar Hamdani (the traditional expert), Syekh Ahmad Azdirin, Syekh Jamal Makki, Syekh al-Abrar, Syekh Muhammad Said al-Yamani, and Syekh Hasan al-Yamani. Another students of A.G.H Muhammad As’ad who helped as teachers such as A.G.H Abdurrah-man Ambo Dalle, A.G.H Daud Ismail, A.G.H Yunus Maratn, Hamzah Badawi, Abdul Malik Muhammad, A.G.H Muhammad Abduh Pabbaja, Abdul Muin Yusuf, and Abdul Azis (North Luwu).


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