Migration Patterns Relations of the Minangkabau Tribe from Nagari Talang Tangah, Tanah Datar Regency in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia


Migration is a phenomenon that is often found throughout the world, including Indonesia. Increasing the number of residents in an area is not only influenced by births and deaths, but there are other factors, namely mobility (moving population). This study aims to analyze the relationship between migration patterns and the social network formation of Minangkabau migrants from Talang Tangah in Metro city, Lampung, Indonesia. The approach used in this study was a qualitative approach. The design of the qualitative approach used was descriptive, namely finding facts with the right interpretation, studying problems in society from ongoing processes and the influence of a phenomenon. The type of research used in this research was ethnography. The subjects of this study were migrants from the Minangkabau ethnic group from Nagari Talang Tangah in Metro city. The results in this study indicate that migrating with a chain migration pattern equips the Talang Tangah migrants with a kinship network that has been formed before migrating and in the social network of the nomads optimizes kinship relations based on Minangkabau cultural values as a form of social control, so that trust is created within the network.

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