Home  /  ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah  /  Vol: 15 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2023)  /  Article

Fuzzy C-Means with Borda Algorithm in Cluster Determination System for food prone areas in Aceh Utara Mutammimul Ula(1*); Munirul Ula(2); Desvina Yulisda(3); Susanti Susanti(4) (1) Universitas Malikussaleh (2) Universitas Malikussaleh (3) Universitas Malikussaleh (4) Universitas Malikussaleh (*) Corresponding Author


In this research, the clustering of food prone areas in Aceh Utama is based on the Index Ketahanan Pangan (IKP) indicators compiled by Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and Borda algorithms. The fuzzy C-Means algorithm was used to classify food-prone areas with three clusters: very prone, moderately prone, and prone. The Borda algorithm was used to choose the most prone area from very prone clusters, which are considered urgently to be followed up by decision-makers. Based on the research results, it was found that in the aspect of food availability, four sub-districts are moderately prone, 10 are prone, and 13 are very prone. Regarding food affordability, it found that 12 sub-districts are moderately prone, seven are prone, and eight are very prone. Regarding food utilization, one sub-district is moderately prone, three are prone, and 23 are very prone. The results of voting using the Borda algorithm in very prone clusters are obtained Sawang District from the aspect of food availability, Syamtalira Aron District from the aspect of food affordability, and Lapang District from the aspect of food utilization. The clustering system is built based on the web using the PHP programming language.

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