Support Vector Machine for Predicting Candlestick Chart Movement on Foreign Exchange


Foreign Exchange, commonly called Forex, is a form of investment in the non-real sector in great demand. Forex is a marketplace that specializes in foreign exchange trading. Technology advancements have made it easy to monitor investment conditions in real time and present them in an easyto - understand graphical form. As a result, predictions are closely related to investment, starting from market sentiment and economic conditions to technical matters. One of the Artificial Intelligence methods that can be used in classifying is the Support Vector Machine (SVM). SVM is a machine learning classification method based on the Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) principle to find the best hyperplane that separates two classes in the input space that determines the classification decision function by minimizing empirical risk. This study used candlestick patterns to predict foreign exchange chart movements using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification method. The purpose of this study was to measure the accuracy of the Support Vector Machine method in making predictions using candlestick patterns so that it can assist traders in making decisions in forex trading. The accuracy level obtained from the data classification results reached 90.72% with a precision of 87.69%. With a relatively good level of accuracy, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method can be used to predict chart movements in foreign exchange using candlesticks to indicate the current trend’s direction.

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