Perancangan Sistem Informasi Gudang Berbasis Web Mengunakan Framework Laravel


The development of Information Technology and Information Systems at this time is very rapid so that business activities apply technology in it. Seneng Santoso is a grocery store that provides various kinds of daily needs. However, in its business activities, inventory data collection in the warehouse is still carried out in the traditional way or what is often called manual. Seneng Santoso still has not implemented information system technology in it, especially in recording incoming goods from suppliers to warehouses, from warehouses to store, causing an impact, namely errors in data input and differences in stock between goods from warehouse to store. In this study, we designed a website-based warehouse recording information system which is expected to make it easier for admins to record incoming and outgoing goods properly. In designing this system using the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method which at this stage starts from needs analysis, design, implementation, testing to maintenance. On this website, there is a function of entering goods into the warehouse from the supplier to the goods leaving the warehouse to the store where there is clear information and validation so as to reduce the risk of fraud or manipulation of stock data for goods sent.

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