Indonesia is a country with the majority of the population converting to Islam, which is more than 87% of the total population of Indonesia. As Muslims who adhere to the teachings of Islam, the teachings that must be understood are tajweed lessons. Tajweed science is the science that studies how to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. Adherents of Islam in Indonesia are still many who do not understand and cannot read the Qur'an properly and correctly. Research noted that there are still about 65% of Indonesian Muslims still blind to the writings of the Qur'an. The importance of learning tajweed science is that it can read precisely, if there are errors in reading the Quran can change its true meaning. Tajweed lessons are commonly obtained through non-formal educational institutions that focus on learning Islam. The current pandemic period causes all learning activities to be limited and difficult, including learning al quran education.  Online learning applications today are still rare that develop Quran Education including tajweed science, so people who want to learn the science have not found the right tools. We are planning an application called I-SLA (Islamic learning application). I-SLA is a tajweed learning application that utilizes speech recognition to correct the pronunciation of the user's Quran and provide justification if in pronunciation there is still something wrong, this technology has the ability to exchange information using acoustic signals. In addition, there is a consulting feature of tajweed experts if they feel they want to deepen tajweed knowledge. The design of the application in this study was carried out in a direct manner. The mechanism of this research is made by conducting a literature study for the process of making software needs specifications, followed by the creation of software design with UI / UX, followed by the creation of applications and closed with testing. This process is carried out continuously in accordance with the planning period. The result of this study is the application of I-SLA (Islamic Learning Application) with the aim of users of children, adolescents, and adults who want to deepen tajweed science to improve its pronunciation.

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