Design and Build Remote Monitor Illumination Using Real Time Storage Firebase TechnologyRancang Bangun Monitor Jarak Jauh Lampu Penerangan Menggunakan Teknologi Real Time Storage Firebase


This journal describes the mechanism for Design and Build a Remote Monitor for Illumination Using Real time Storage Firebase Technology with NodeMCU ESP2866 as a wifi provider and command information on the Microcontroller so that the microcontroller is connected to the firebase. This Lighting Monitor prototype uses Android Mega as a microcontroller and also uses real time database to store data and synchronize it to the user's screen. This lighting monitor is the first step to respond quickly to saving the use of electrical energy sources in everyday life by using Android as a medium to monitor lights in real time and there is also a ZMCT103C current sensor in order to find out if there is damage to the lamp then there is a notification in the form of a short message to be sent via Android.

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