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Modern urban policy of Georgia: Protection of Old Neighborhoods and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage Monuments (The Case of Tbilisi)


This report aims to show what Prevents  the establishment of international standards in the process of rehabilitation of cultural heritage monuments. It shows how the passivity of the public and the business interests of the government have a negative impact on the survival and development of the historical part of the city. The study includes the evaluation of the rehabilitation works carried out in 2017-2021, which adds more clarity to the existing problem. Based on the content and specificity, the paper is based on the qualitative research method. This includes: analysis of both primary and secondary sources; Studying documents and conducting in-depth interviews with experts.The research includes the analysis of the pre-election programs of 2021. The discussion of these topics creates the best synthesis, which demonstrates the superficial attitude of Georgian society and political spectrum to Tbilisi culture. It is worth noting that in 2017-2021, getting acquainted with the rehabilitation works carried out in violation and the planned controversial projects is a visible example of disregarding the law, which determines the relevance of the topic. 

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