Efektivitas Penanganan Green Financial Crimes sebagai Kejahatan Korporasi Secara Multidoors

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Veronika Amelia Simbolon,Afrilia - Rahmi    

Waste is waste generated from an activity or production, both industrial and household. Seeing the amount of waste production that continues to increase every year it is feared that it can have a bad impact on the environment such as water, soil, air pol... see more

Liniyarti liniyarti,Tuti Herawati    

ABSTRACTBackground: Insomnia is a problem that is often found in someone with both physical and psychological disorders so that it requires effective and efficient treatment. Handling can be done with non-pharmacological therapy which is believed to not ... see more

Suyitno Suyitno    

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang penerapan manajemen risiko di SMK Mondoroko yang meliputi penentuan konteks risiko, melakukan risk assessment yang terdiri dari Risk Identification, Risk analysis, serta Risk Evaluation dan penentuan miti... see more

Revista: Edukatif

Fajri Zulia Ramdhani,Rusmayani Rusmayani,Kurniawati Kurniawati    

AbstractThe delivery of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Bali has been fraught with difficulties, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. This paper discusses 1) the realities of Islamic religious education in Bali, 2) the implementation of a sp... see more