Animation video design as promotion for nature school as habituation of green lifestyle


This article explains the creation of an animated video design to promote a nature school. Conducted in two stages, the method used to process data is the promotion mix, in the form of deepening the marketing 7Ps mix model representing: product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and processes. Need to tell readers what 7 P is about. Meanwhile, the creation of the work uses art-based research for capturing activities in the nature school environment to become an animated video design based on informal education, has a passion for raising students' awareness of green lifestyles. Currently, it is still constrained by the number of participants registered. Meanwhile, the various activities carried out involve the surrounding nature and are directed to produce works and activities for students. The result is an animated video design that is able to provide an overview of the positive activities in school. In conclusion, this video will attract potential applicants to continue becoming students and reinforce a green lifestyle.

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