The Philosophy of Mentioning the Works of Divine Creation in Connection with the Prophecy of the Prophets in the World of Development based on Qur’anic Verses


The works of divine creation are natural phenomena in the world of creation: heavenly, atmospheric, and terrestrial phenomena. Mentioning the sky and its phenomena such as stars, night and day, and atmospheric phenomena such as wind, rain, and lightning, as well as terrestrial phenomena such as springs, mountains, and the sea, animals have been used in the Holy Qur’an in abundance, with different interpretations, and for different purposes. Since man is familiar with nature, his thoughts are also accustomed to nature; the Qur’an has asked people to think in divine signs. The main goal of natural science from the Qur’an's point of view is to increase human knowledge about God Almighty. However, besides this ultimate goal and philosophy, we can mention other goals that realizing them is a prelude to reaching that ultimate goal. One of these purposes is related to the Prophecy of the prophets: It is in proving the truthfulness and miracles of divine prophets and comforting them in times of hardship in general, and regarding the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and stating the jurisprudence in the Islamic religion in particular. The research is descriptive-analytical type and the method used in it is a library. It extracted the names and the number of natural phenomena in the Qur’an using the book al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras and the list of environmental announcements in the Qur'an, and has examined the philosophy of mentioning the works of the divine creation in connection with the Prophecy of the prophets.

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