The Impact of the Death Penalty on Indonesia-Pakistan Relations: A Case Study of the Zulfiqar Ali's Death Penalty


Bilateral relations are the main element in international relations. Bilateral cooperation by two countries can cover the diplomatic fields, economics, military, etc. The relationship is carried out to meet the community needs in a country, in this cooperation, there are often conflicts between the two countries. an example of the conflict that occurred was the debate over the death penalty. Some people say that the death penalty is a violation of human rights, but some of them also argue that the death penalty should be enforced by looking at the situation and conditions, and the severity of the crimes committed by these individuals. The 91 countries have abolished the death penalty for all types of crimes, after abolishing the death penalty for every criminal case, 33 countries have implemented a moratorium (de facto is not permanent). The focus of this research will be on the impact of the death penalty on Indonesia-Pakistan bilateral relations. In this case, the Indonesian government firmly supports the death penalty for Zulfiqar Ali, who is a Pakistani citizen, as stated in Law Number 35 the Year 2009 concerning Narcotics. The method that researchers use to find data is through legislation, literature, theses, theses, journals, articles, news, and other matters related to Indonesian government policies related to the death penalty for the drug dealer.

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