Strategi Optimalisasi Fungsi Kerja Filing terhadap Kejadian Misfile di RSU Bhakti Husada Krikilan Banyuwangi

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Amir Syamsuadi ,Zamhasari Zamhasari ,Seri Hartati ,Liza Trisnawati    

Artikel ini mengkaji strategi politik terbuka Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) dalam memenangkan persaingan pemilihan gubernur dan wakil gubernur di Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2018. PKS dan partai koalisinya saat itu mengusung pasangan Syamsuar-Edy Natar. P... see more

Dadang Hartanto    

In an effort to optimize organizational performance, various strategies are needed, especially in the police field of investigation. Various efforts can be made in the form of implementing a reward system, a certification system and a performance apprais... see more

Ali Rahim    

Abstract:This study aimed to analyze the strategy of improving the quality of education in Madrasah Aliyah Sidrap viewed from of the implementation of the educational unit level curriculum. This type of research was qualitative. The data collection metho... see more

Rully Pramudita, Nadya Safitri    

Abstrak: Sebuah perencanaan strategis sistem informasi sangat berperan penting dalam membantu organisasi atau perusahaan dalam hal meningkatkan dan mengoptimalkan kinerja serta mencapai tujuan bisnis dengan optimalisasi pemannfaatan IT. Salah satunya di ... see more

Raden Bambang Sumarsono,Ali Imron,Bambang Budi Wiyono,Imron Arifin    

Abstract: this study aims to describe the principal's strategy in optimizing the participation of parents to improve school quality. This research uses qualitative research type with phenomenology approach. The study design was a multi case study. The ob... see more