Implementation of Verbal Focusing as a Stimulant to Improve Indonesian Online Learning Interaction


One of the ways that teachers can do to realize the success of learning in training students to be independent and able to think creatively through verbal focusing is by choosing a learning model that is relevant to that purpose. The subjects of this research are Indonesian language teachers who have passed the Professional Teacher Education (PPG) in Jabatan. The data of this research is in the form of verbal focusing utterances of teachers when interacting with students in Indonesian language learning. Reflective field notes data contains the relationship between the improvement of learning interaction and verbal focusing as a stimulant in the process of learning Indonesian with Problem Based Learning Model. The listening-recording technique is carried out by listening to videos from YouTube about learning activities in the classroom, determining the data that will be used in accordance with the research objectives, and recording the necessary data in a research instrument. In this study, researchers presented data on classroom management, both speech data and field note data in accordance with the results of observation and data reduction. The results showed that the teacher in the step of organizing students to learn used three types of verbal focusing, namely: presenting problems, asking questions, and directing inquiry and dialogue. In online learning, the teacher tends to use verbal focusing to present the problem which aims to determine the direction of students' actions, through the links distributed to students.

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