AbstractEducation is an activity of interaction between teachers and students in classroom learning. Educators are required to truly understand the character and potential of students' subjects. Harmonious interaction between teachers and students greatly affects the learning system. This study discusses teacher relations from an Islamic perspective according to Ulama Imam Al-Ghazali and Thomas Aquinas based on the theory of empiricism. the concept of al-Ghazali and Thomas Aquinas about teacher and student relations from an Islamic perspective. various literature, documentation, magazines, journals, and newspapers which can be used as primary and secondary references to examine both thoughts based on empiricism theory. The method we use in this study is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, where this method refers to a particular research or research methodology. This literature study research is sourced from scientific articles, journals, and relevant research documents related to this research. The focus of this research is the implementation of the social system learning model of teacher and student relations from the perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali and Thomas Aquinas. Teacher and Student Relations in an Islamic Perspective Whether or not the quality of education is largely determined by the success of the teacher in carrying out the teaching and learning process. From Al-Ghazali's point of view, teachers in the educational process are true parents. Thomas Aquinas' ethical theory also involves Principia (rules about how to act) and virtues (good personal or moral traits possessed by humans). Towards one goal, namely a happy life. teacher and student relations are relations that are formed between teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. And between the teacher and student relationship, there are ethics in it.

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