Home  /  Telematika  /  Vol: 17 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2020)  /  Article



Flood disaster is a dangerous disaster, an event that occurs due to overflow of water resulting in submerged land is called a flood disaster. Almost every year Bantul Regency is affected by floods due to high rainfall. The flood disaster that struck in Bantul Regency made the Bantul District Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) difficult to handle so that it needed a mapping of the level of the impact of the flood disaster to minimize the occurrence of floods and provide information to the public.This study will create a system to map the level of impact of floods in Bantul Regency with a decision support method namely Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). The MAUT method stage in determining the level of impact of flood disasters through the process of normalization and matrix multiplication. The method helps in determining the areas affected by floods, by managing the Indonesian Disaster Information Data (DIBI). The data managed is data on criteria for the death toll, lost victims, damage to houses, damage to public facilities, and damage to roads. Each criteria data has a value that can be used to determine the level of impact of a flood disaster. The stages for determining the level of impact of a disaster require a weighting calculation process. The results of the weighting process display the scoring value which has a value of 1 = low, 2 = moderate, 3 = high. To assist in determining the affected areas using the matrix normalization and multiplication process the process is the application of the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) method.This study resulted in a mapping of the level of impact displayed on google maps. The map view shows the affected area points and the level of impact of the flood disaster in Bantul Regency. The mapping produced from the DIBI data in 2017 produced the highest affected area in the Imogiri sub-district. The results of testing the data can be concluded that the results of this study have an accuracy rate of 95% when compared with the results of the mapping previously carried out by BPBD Bantul Regency. The difference in the level of accuracy is because the criteria data used are not the same as the criteria data used by BPBD in Bantul Regency so that the accuracy rate is 95%.

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