Home  /  EnviroScienteae  /  Vol: 19 Núm: 3 Par: 0 (2023)  /  Article



Barito Regency is a district in Central Kalimantan Province which is an area that receives counseling programs about 3M plus and periodic inspection of mosquito larvae to houses and provision of abatesasi to every house related to dengue prevention, but the incidence of dengue fever every year always increases. Aedes spp. will be influenced by various factors at the brooding site to lay mosquito eggs. The objectives of this study are: analyzing the characteristics of the land, cover conditions, color and layout of the brooding site and the density of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae in water barrels, analyzing water quality based on pH, TDS and temperature parameters in water barrels and analyzing the relationship between water quality tests from pH, TDS and temperature parameters to mosquito larvae density. The results of the presence of larvae are in RT 08 (3.70%), RT 17 (16.67%) and RT 36 (9.26%). The results of the Larvae Free Number indicator are only RT 08 (96.30%) which is categorized as free from the risk of transmitting dengue disease in terms of the mosquito larvae density indicator, while RT 17 (83.33%) and RT 36 (90.74%) cannot be categorized as safe from the risk of dengue transmission. Water quality based on pH, TDS and temperature parameters shows that the pH of the water ranges from 6.8 – 7.2 which is a normal pH and potential as a breeding site. The water temperature ranges from 18 – 30°C which is the ideal temperature for breeding and larval growth. TDS values under normal conditions (< 500ppm) still have larvae, namely water barrels in RT 17 as many as 9 (nine) barrels of water indicated the presence of the highest larvae. The relationship between water quality from pH, TDS and temperature parameters on the density of mosquito larvae in RT 08 does not affect the presence of Aedes aegypti larvae, this is due to the condition of the water barrel taken water samples in a clean and closed state so that the presence of larvae is only small, while in RT 17 and RT 36 it is very influential on the presence of larvae.

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