Electronic word-of-mouth associated with customer loyalty in the Peruvian tourism sector


This research proposes to determine the relationship between electronic word of mouth and customer loyalty in a company in the Peruvian tourism sector. A basic, quantitative, correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional study was carried out; the sample corresponded to 384 tourists. Spearman's rho correlation was applied for categorical data. Among the results, the existence of a positive and significant correlation of credibility (rho=0.722), information quality (rho=0.744), trust (rho=0.727) and  perceived usefulness (rho=0.723) with the loyalty of the clients stands out. customers. It is concluded that electronic word of mouth is moderately associated with loyalty, making it an efficient alternative to increase the intention and loyalty of visitors to tourist sites.Keywords: eWOM, tourism, loyalty, digital media, information. RESUMEN


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