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William Stapleton, Bahram Asiabanpour, Jesus Jimenez, Dugan Um    

Under an NSF REU center grant REU-0755355 entitled “Micro/Nano Assembly Workcell Via Micro Visual Sensing and Haptic Feedback”, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi and Texas State University – San Marcos collaboratively hosted two groups of 10 students... see more

Narasimha Karpoor Shashidhar,Dylan Novak    

Prefetch files, like any other file in a file system, can be viewed from a digital forensic perspective to further a forensic investigation. Using appropriate tools and techniques available to a digital forensic examiner, we explore and investigate the p... see more

Jean-Louis Pinault    

The study of resonantly forced baroclinic waves in the tropical oceans at mid-latitudes is of paramount importance to advancing our knowledge in fields that investigate the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the decadal climate variability... see more