The Symbolism Of The Flag In Islam And Its Media And Psychological Importance


The flag in Islam is considered one of the most important symbols that express the strength and solidity of a Muslim in war, whether from a psychological, moral or material point of view, as it expresses in a large way the media aspect of war, as each flag shows the intellectual, religious and ideological affiliation of that army, so that it distinguishes it from the rest of the armies, and for this the research seeks To highlight the research on this topic due to its utmost importance and the nature of the many problems and questions that this topic raises, perhaps the most prominent of which are.To what extent is the symbolism of the flag related to Islam and what are its most prominent psychological effects, whether on the enemy or on the Muslim mujahideen?How was the banner able to cultivate the spirit of belonging in the Muslim individual?What is the relationship of the flag in Islam with raising the spirit of the Islamic army, and what is its informational and psychological value in sowing terror on the enemy while it is flying high?    In front of these deep questions and problems, we will seek a kind of analytical approach, using the mechanisms of decomposition and synthesis, to find out the most prominent issues raised by this interesting topic.

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