Antibody anti H1N1pdm09 detection from Influenza A outbreak cases in Indonesia 2009


AbstrakLatar belakang: Infeksi virus Influenza A dapat menyebabkan wabah di seluruh dunia. Wabah virus H1N1 terjadi di Indonesia pada bulan April 2009. Sebanyak 1892 kasus terduga H1N1 dilaporkan antara April dan akhir Desember 2009. Dari 1892 kasus yang terduga, hanya 809 dikonfirmasi terinfeksi virus H1N1. Karena virus strain baru, maka perlu diketahui persentase kasus yang mengembangkan antibodi anti H1N1 setelah infeksi pertama kali. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan sera yang disimpan dari yang dikumpulkan pada tahun 2009 yang disimpan pada-70 oC di laboratorium virologi di Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Ujia yang digunakan ialah uji HI untuk menentukan kekebalan setelah infeksi Influenza A/H1N1pdm09. Hasil: Hanya sebagian kecil kasus terinfeksi flu A/H1N1pdm09 selama wabah mengembangkan antibodi pelindung anti H1N1pdm09. Dari 205 sera yang diperiksa, 38 kasus (18,5%) mengembangkan antibodi anti H1N1pdm09 dengan HI titer =1:40. Kesimpulan: Sebanyak 18,5% kasus yang mengembangkan antibodi anti H1N1pdm09 di antara kasus terinfeksi flu A/H1N1pdm09 selama wabah 2009. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:37-40) Keywords: Influenza, antibody, pandemic, 2009 AbstractBackground: Influenza A virus infection can cause pandemic influenza worldwide. The outbreak of the H1N1 virus occurred in Indonesia in April 2009. A total of 1892 suspected cases of H1N1 were reported between April and the end of December 2009. From 1892 suspected cases, there were only 809 confirmed infected by the H1N1 virus. Since the virus is a new strain, we wanted to know how many cases developed antibody anti H1N1 after the first infection occurred. Methods: We used archived sera which was collected in 2009 and stored at -70oC in the virology laboratory of the National Institute of Health Research and Development. We used the HI assay to determine the immunity after infection of Influenza A/H1N1pdm09 in 2009. Results: Only a small proportion of cases infected during an outbreak of flu A/H1N1pdm09 develop protective antibodies anti H1N1pdm09. Of 205 sera were examined, 38 cases (18.5%) developed anti H1N1pdm09 with HI antibody titer =1:40. Conclusion: A total of 18.5% of cases develop antibodies anti H1N1pdm09 among A/H1N1pdm09 flu cases during the 2009 outbreak. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:37-40)Keywords:Influenza, antibody, pandemic, 2009


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