A Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Method Based on 2-D Uncertain Linguistic Weighted Heronian Mean Aggregation Operator


2-Dimension uncertain linguistic variables can describe both subjective evaluation result of attributes and reliability of the evaluation results in multiple attribute decision making problems. However, it is difficult to aggregate these evaluation information and give comprehensive results. Heronian mean (HM) has the characteristic of capturing the correlations between aggregated arguments and is extended to solve this problem. The 2-dimension uncertain linguistic weighted HM aggregation( 2DULWHMA) operator is employed in this paper. Firstly, the definition, properties, expectations and the operational laws the 2-dimension uncertain linguistic variables are investigated. Furthermore, the properties of the 2DULWHMA operators, such as commutativity, idempotency and monotonicity, etc. are studied. Some special cases of the generalized parameters in these operators are analyzed. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.

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