Genetic dynamic analysis of the H5N1 Avian influenza virus NS1 gene isolated in Bali


AbstrakLatar belakang:Virus Avian Influenza H5N1 diperkirakan terus bermutasi, yang berpotensi meningkatkan kapasitas untuk melompati barier spesies, dan dapat menular secara mudah antar manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika genetik gen NS1 dan mengetahui adanya marka virulensi pada sekuen gen NS1 VAI H5N1 ayam asal Bali.Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah isolasi RNA, amplifikasi gen NS1 dengan Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), elektroforesis dan sequencing. Data sekuen isolat virus Avian influenza H5N1 asal Bali tersebut selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan multiple aligment dengan isolat asal Indonesia lainnya dari berbagai hospes yang diakses melalui GenBank tahun 2005-2007, dan pembuatan pohon filogenetik.Hasil:Keempat isolat uji mengalami substitusi P42S dan delesi 5 asam amino pada posisi 80-84 yang mengakibatkan potensi peningkatan virulensi virus, namun tidak dijumpai adanya substitusi D92E, F103L dan M106I. Analisis filogenetik menunjukkan keempat isolat uji mempunyai kekerabatan genetik lebih dekat dengan isolat asal kucing dan manusia. Dibandingkan dengan isolat Bali tahun 2005 isolat uji mengalami peningkatan substitusi nukleotida dan asam amino.Kesimpulan:Isolat VAI H5N1 asal Bali mengalami dinamika genetik dan ditemukan marker virulensi pada sekuen gen NS1. (Health Science Indones 2012;2:xx-xx)Kata kunci: avian influenza, H5N1, NS1Abstract Background:H5N1 Avian Influenza virus is expected to continue to mutate, potentially increasing the capacity to jump the species barrier, and can be easily transmitted between humans. This study aimed to analyze the genetic dynamics of the NS1 gene and to recognize markers of virulence in VAI H5N1 NS1 gene sequences from Balinese poultry.Methods:The method used was isolation of RNA, NS1 gene amplification  by  Reverse  Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), electrophoresis and sequencing. Data sequence Avian influenza H5N1 virus isolates from Bali is then compared with the multiple alignment with other Indonesian isolates from different hosts accessed through 2005-2007GenBank, and constructing a phylogenetic tree.Results:The four test isolates had substitutions and deletions P42S 5 amino acids at positions 80-84 resulting in the potential for increased virulence of the virus. But no D92E, F103L and M106I substitution were found. Phylogenetic analysis showed four test isolates have a closer genetic kinship with cats and human origin isolates. Compared to the 2005 Bali isolate, the test isolates had increased nucleotide and amino acid substitutions.Conclusions:Avian influenza virus H5N1 isolates from Bali has dynamic genetic and virulence marker had found on NS1 gene sequence. VAI H5N1 isolates from Bali underwent genetic dynamics. Virulence markers were found in the NS1 gene sequences. (Health Science Indones 2012;2:xx-xx)Keywords: Avian influenza, H5N1, NS1


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