Articles related

Evair Barreto da Silva, Flávia Paula Magalhães Monteiro, Sabrina Silva dos Santos, Emanuella Silva Joventino, Emília Soares Chaves Rouberte    

Objective: to map nursing activities related to the NANDA-I “delay in growth and development” diagnosis and to compare them with the activities recommended by the Nursing Intervention Classification. Methods: this is a quantitative study p... see more

Revista: Rev Rene

Talliton Uchôa de Araújo, Nuno Damácio de Carvalho Félix, Natana de Morais Ramos, Célida Juliana de Oliveira, Angélica Isabely de Morais Almeida    

Objective: to identify the frequency of occurrence of nursing diagnosis on the Noncompliance of treatment in men with high blood pressure, its defining characteristics, and related factors. Methods: a Cross-sectional study involving 44 men with hypertens... see more

Revista: Rev Rene

Rosimere Ferreira Santana, Tallita Mello Delphino, Nathalia Martins Henriques, Priscilla Alfradique de Souza, Thais da Silva Soares, Shimmenes Kamacael Pereira    

The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the nursing diagnosis of delayed surgical recovery, its defining characteristics and related factors according to NANDA-I taxonomy, through an integrative review. 34 articles were selected from MEDLIN... see more

Revista: Rev Rene

Muhamad Rofii,Bambang Edi Warsito,Agus Santoso,Sarah Ulliya DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.2.2019.12-18    

Background. Writing nursing goals and outcome criteria found in nursing care documentation was very varied and not appropriately, it needs to be explored more deeply about the phenomenon. The Study objective was to determine the writing of nursing goals ... see more

Ana Paula Cardoso Costa,Luana Ruth Braga Campos,Maria Carolina da Silva Costa,Caique Veloso,Jaqueline Carvalho e Silva Sales,Fernando José Guedes da Silva Júnior    

Objetivo: descrever a experiência da assistência de enfermagem a pessoa com transtorno mental decorrente do abuso de substâncias psicoativas. Metodologia: trata-se de estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiência, desenvolvido em um hospital psiquiátr... see more