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--> Auth.  Sri Hendrawati,Ikeu Nurhidayah,Henny Suzana Mediani,Ai Mardhiyah,Nenden Nur Asriyani Maryam    

Mucositis is very common in children with cancer who received chemotherapy. Mucositis in children renders other health problems such as pain, eating problems, insomnia, and emotional problems that directly determine children’s quality of life. The purpos... see more

Rahmah Widyaningrum, Ignasia Nila Siwi    

Children who were hospitalized in 2017 were 3.21% with the percentage of school-age children 47.62%. Hospital is a planned or emergency process where children are required to undergo treatment at the hospital. The reaction of child hospitalization varies... see more

Adriana Correa Sampaio, Nen Nalú Alves das Mercês, Mauren Teresa Grubisich Mendes Tacla, Márcia Helena de Souza Freire, Letícia Pontes    

Objective: to evaluate pain in children undergoing transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Methods: longitudinal and analytical research with children hospitalized for transplant of hematopoietic stem cells with Faces Pain Scale Revised, every four ... see more

Revista: Rev Rene

Jessica Lima Benevides, Fabiane do Amaral Gubert, Marcela Ariadne Braga Gomes Tomé, Patricia Freire de Vasconcelos, Regina Cláudia Melo Dodt, Sarah Rayssa Cordeiro Sales Pinheiro    

Objective: to identify two features of primary health care, namely First-contact access and Longitudinality in hospitalized children. Methods: cross-sectional study carried out in two secondary and tertiary hospitals with 120 children under five years of... see more

Revista: Rev Rene

Dera Alfiyanti,Titi Nur Hidayanti DOI : 10.26714/mki.1.1.2018.35-41    

Background: Oral hygiene is an act of cleansing the entire area of the mouth, including teeth and gums to avoid infection. Purpose of hygiene to reduce dental plaque, reduce risk of oral cavity, eliminate tooth decay, gum, improve comfort in child.. Obje... see more