Vulnerability evaluation of the urban environment of Piatra Neamt town


As privileged space of living, creation and manifestation of actual society values, town represents the emblem of modern civilization, with all its successes, oportunities, but also with its failures, risks and threats. Modern town is a place of fast, complex and multilevels transformations of substance, energy and information as forms of matter, which enter the system but also transforming even its existence as: space, structures, activities and especially the life of its inhabitants. The present urban environment of Piatra Neamt town carries on the powerful mark of the evolution in time and space of the urban teritorial system, strengthfully linked by the information, experience and knowledge levels of population that determined the kind of interventions and the quality leaps bringing many consequences, some positive as the favorability of the environment for a comfortable life and other negative as starting its vulnerability

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Revista: Geosciences