Ambient Air Quality Assessment of Al-Mansoriah Residential Area in the State of Kuwait


 Air quality data (ground level ozone (O3 ), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), methane (CH4 ), nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) and sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) of a Kuwaiti residential area, Al-Mansoriah, were analyzed to evaluate and determine: (a) the exceedances of air quality from permissible limits set by the Kuwait Environment Public Authority (KUEPA), (b) the diurnal patterns of air pollutants, (c) the predominant sources of airborne pollutants in the surrounding area, and (d) the ''weekend effect'' on ozone levels. The dataset covered the period of five consecutive years, from January 2000 to December 2004. High levels of ozone were witnessed; recording a number of exceedances. Inhabitants of Al-Mansoriah were exposed, during the period of study, to acute and chronic levels of SO2 . Concerning NMHC, the permissible limit (0.24 ppm- rolling average between 6-9 am), was violated in each of the monitoring years. NO diurnal pattern showed two distinct strong peaks during the months from October to March, in which the low solar radiation does not cause intense photochemical reactions, which lead to NO destruction. A clear H2 S source (considered as a primary one) was witnessed from Kuwait city (Sharq district). The backed up sewage lines and maintenance work coinciding with study period clearly affected Al- Mansoriah. A clear "weekend effect", in terms of difference in levels occurring during midweek and weekends, was ascertained. The analysis suggests that Al-Mansoriah residential area should be considered a NOx sensitive region of Kuwait.  

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