Articles related

Lau Santos    

The present study aims to discuss the notion of scenic presence based on the use of principles from African-diasporic cultural practices. The reflections presented emerge from the intersection between the development of postdoctoral research entitled Eli... see more

Mônica Medeiros Ribeiro    

The article presents a reflection on the body through the study of movement registers in the creation process of the show Aldebaran, by Grupo Oficcina Multimédia. Considering the body as the focus, an inventive observation, corporeal reading of movement ... see more

Priscilla Alvarenga Rocha    

RESUMO: Por proporcionar inúmeros benefícios aos adolescentes, que se encontram em uma fase conflitante, apresentando dificuldades de se relacionarem consigo mesmo e com o outro, buscamos ministrar aulas de Dança aos alunos do Ensino Médio, possibilitand... see more