Case management reduces drinking during pregnancy among high-risk women


May, P., Marais, A., Gossage, J., Barnard, R., Joubert, B., Cloete, M., Hendricks, N., Roux, S., Blom, A., Steenekamp, J., Alexander, T., Andreas, R., Human, S., Snell, C., Seedat, S., Parry, C., Kalberg, W., Buckley, D., & Blankenship, J. (2013). Case management reduces drinking during pregnancy among high-risk women. The International Journal Of Alcohol And Drug Research, 2(3), 61-70. doi:10.7895/ijadr.v2i3.79 (

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Mayteé Cabrera Hernández,Lourdes Milagros Reyes Puentes,Roberto Caveda Carrasco,Juan José Lorenzo Montano    

ABSTRACTUterovaginal malformations (UVM) are due to an alteration in the process of embryogenesis of the female reproductive system. The imaging has a very important role during initial studies of these abnormalities; magnetic resonance imaging has signi... see more

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Nadienka Rodríguez Ramos,Joanchin Barrios Cambas,Norky Gennie Chávez Morales,Maritza Ramos Ramos,Roberto Rodríguez Llanusa    

ABSTRACTA clinical case of lithiasis of infection is presented, known as calculi of struvite associated to an underlying metabolic disease and diabetes mellitus type-2 of recent onset, with oliguria and infection as a result of a partial bilateral urinar... see more

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Jesús Lazo Cabrera,Bárbara del R. Hernández Bravo,María A. Méndez Suárez    

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (abbreviated TB for tubercle bacillus or Tuberculosis), is a disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Hominis, weakly Gram-positive bacillus, aerobic, acid-alcohol resistance, of curved aspect, motionless and sporeless. ... see more

Aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos de la inducción del parto en el embarazo postérmino / Clinical and epidemiological features of inducing labor in post-term pregnancyAspectos clínico-epidemiológicos de la inducción del parto en el embarazo postérmino / Clinical and epidemiological features of inducing labor in post-term pregnancyEl embarazo postérmino es una entidad obstétrica muy discutida en la literatura médica debido a los diferentes criterios empleados con relación al diagnóstico, control prenatal, conducta a tomar y manejo intraparto. Con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento de la inducción del parto en el embarazo postérmino, se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría" de Pinar del Río, en el trienio 2005-2007. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los nacimientos de esa institución hospitalaria, el grupo estudio por las embarazadas con 42 semanas de gestación con una labor de parto inducida (n=239) y un grupo control por las primeras 10 gestantes de cada mes con una labor de parto espontánea y edad gestacional de 37-41 semanas, con un feto vivo y con presentación de vértice (n=360). Se estudió: edad materna, paridad anterior, modo de terminación del parto, puntaje de Apgar del recién nacido, índice de Bishop, morbilidad materna y neonatal. Se utilizó frecuencia absoluta, porcentaje, Ji Cuadrado y Odds ratio al 95 % de certeza. Resultaron factores de riesgo de embarazo postérmino con labor inducida: la adolescencia (OR=5), la multiparidad (OR=7.5) y el índice de Bishop <7 puntos (OR=6.6); la forma de terminación del parto predominante en el embarazo postérmino fue la cesárea, presentando los recién nacidos una mayor incidencia de Apgar bajo (p<0.001). El embarazo postérmino con labor de parto inducida estuvo relacionado estadísticamente con la morbilidad neonatal en general (p<0.001) y con la morbilidad materna (p<0.001). Palabras clave: embarazo prongado, trabajo de parto inducido, cesarea/métodos, morbilidad,contracción,uterina,hemorragia. ABSTRACT Post-term pregnancy is a controversial obstetric entity in medical literature due to the different criteria used regarding to its diagnosis, prenatal control, treatment to be followed and intra-labor management. Aimed at determining the behavior of the induction of labor in post-term pregnancy a case and control study was conducted at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, Pinar del Rio, during a three-year period (2005-2007). The universe was comprised of all the births occurring in the institution, women surpassing 42 weeks of pregnancy and inducing labor (n=239) and a control group for the first 10 pregnant women of each month with spontaneous labor and gestational age of 37-41 weeks, live fetus and with apex presentation (n=360). Maternal age, previous parity, ending of labor, Apgar score of the newborn, Bishop rate, maternal and neonatal mortality were the variables studied. Absolute frequency, percentage method, chi square test and Odss ratio to 95% of certainty were used. Post-term pregnancy with inducing labor had as risk factors: adolescence (OR=5), multiparity (OR=7.5) and the Bishop rate <7 points (OR =6.6); prevailing cesarean section in post-term pregnancy, newborns presented a high incidence of low Apgar scores (p<0.001) and with a maternal morbidity (p<0.001). Key words: prolonged pregnancy, induced labor, cesarean section/methods, morbidity, uterine contraction, hemorrhage.

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ABSTRACT Post-term pregnancy is a controversial obstetric entity in medical literature due to the different criteria used regarding to its diagnosis, prenatal control, treatment to be followed and intra-labor management. Aimed at determining the behav... see more

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