Home  /  De Medio Aevo  /  Vol: 5 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2014)  /  Article

D. Pedro I & D. Inês de Castro, D. Fernando & D. Leonor Teles: The marital anti-models in legitimation chronicles of Avis (Portugal, 15th Century)


This article discuss the construction of male and female representations in the Portuguese Late Middle Ages from two models of marital relationships present in the royal chronicles of the House of Avis in Portugal in the 15th Century. Those models refers to the representations of the couple formed by the king D. Pedro I (1357-1367) and the lady in waiting Inês de Castro (1325-1355), as well as the couple formed by D. Fernando (1367-1383) and his queen Leonor Teles (1350-1386). Our intent is to analyse the relation between the legitimation discourse of the Avis Dynasty, founded by D. João I (king Pedro’s bastard), and the construction of maritals anti-models for the portuguese royalty taken from the last two couples of the “Afonsina” Dynasty.

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