Home  /  Acta Baltico-Slavica  /  Núm: Vol38 Par: 0 (2014)  /  Article

Andreas Fülberth, „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt”. Ciekawy przewodnik nie tylko po Rydze, ale takze po historii Lotwy


Andreas Fülberth, "Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stad"At the beginning of 2014, the book „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt” (Riga. A short history of the town) was issued. The author is Andreas Fülberth, a young historian from Germany, who is a lecturer of the history of Eastern Europe in the University of Kiel. He has already published several works about the Baltic states (in German: “Baltikum”), the most important of them being „Tallinn – Riga – Kaunas. Ihr Ausbau zu modernen Hauptstädten 1920-1940". Köln u. a. 2005 (Das Baltikum in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Bd. 2), which is dedicated to the plans of architectural rebuilding of the Baltic capitals (Kaunas – Riga – Tallinn) during the time of the first independence (1918-1940).The history of Riga by Andreas Fülberth begins – very traditionally – with the establishing of the town by Bishop Albert of Riga in 1201. Actually we can learn not only about the history of the town. The book by Andreas Fülberth provides a quite long trip through the history of Livonia (now a part of Latvia).For Polish readers very important and interesting piece of  Riga’s history could be so called “Polish times” (to be more precise: “Polish-Lithuanian”) in Livonia – which used to be seen quite critical by Latvian historians before the war. We can learn also about Ignacy Moscicki  who studied in Riga, the treaty of Riga from March 1921,  as well  as the Polish academic fraternities in Livonia (Arcadia and Welecja).Maybe the most important part of the book begins in 1918 – when Latvia gained independence for the first time in her history. We can learn not only about Karlis Ulmanis and the Soviet-Latvian government of Peteris Stucka, but also about  the activities of Andrievs Niedra, a pro-German prime minister of Latvia. Andreas Fülberth, as a passionate lover  of  architecture, provides an interesting piece of information about the architectural rebuilding of Riga during the time of Ulmanis – we can learn the history of the Freedom Monument (1935), old town, which gained a new shape during the thirties. The  Latvinization of the town during the first independence and Sovietization during the occupation (1940-1990) is also an  interesting  fact.The book can be recommended for all readers  who do not have  broad knowledge of the history of Latvia, but it is still a very interesting journey also for those interested in the Baltic states who want to learn about some curiosities from the history of the town. Do you know why the Freedom Monument was not destroyed during the Soviet time? Do you know the history of Riga’s tube that has been never built? Do you know the mathematician Ilja Rips? If not, you should read the book of Andreas Fülberth. Andreas Fülberth, „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt”. Ciekawy przewodnik nie tylko po Rydze, ale takze po historii LotwyNa poczatku 2014 roku do rak czytelnika niemieckiego trafila ksiazka autorstwa Andreasa Fülbertha „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt”. Jest to juz kolejna niemiecka publikacja o stolicy Lotwy, jednak warto podkreslic, ze ostatnia znaczaca prace ujmujaca historie Rygi calosciowo wydano w 1897 roku, jeszcze wtedy kiedy Inflanty stanowily obszar niemieckiego osadnictwa. Niemcy, podobnie jak Polacy, maja problem z holistycznymi opracowaniami na temat Lotwy. Przynaleznosc kraju do Zwiazku Sowieckiego po 1940 roku równiez i Niemcom utrudniala badania historyczne, w zwiazku z czym byli oni skazani – podobnie jak Polacy na Manteuffla – na opracowania pochodzace jeszcze z przelomu XIX i XX wieku. Ksiazka Andreasa Fülbertha ukazala sie w prestizowym wydawnictwie Böhlau Verlag, które od lat interesuje sie historia miast europejskich majacych w historii zwiazki z niemczyzna. Od strony warsztatu historycznego autorowi nie mozna niczego zarzucic. Jest swietnym znawca historii nie tylko Rygi, ale takze regionu, który Niemcy okreslaja jako Baltikum. Napisana jezykiem naukowym (choc przystepnym dla czytelnika) praca moze byc uzupelnieniem do polskiej wiedzy na temat miasta Rygi, a dla niektórych – z tej racji, ze ani Lotwa ani Ryga nie doczekaly sie w jezyku polskim swojej calosciowej historii – praca „pierwszego kontaktu”.

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