The Inclusion of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID): A Study of Two Community Based Group Home Service Providers in Saskatchewan


A survey was conducted with front line disability service workers in two community-based organizations providing supports to adults with ID in Saskatchewan. The survey consisted of questions regarding the staff member’s training, experience and education as well as their perceptions of the resident’s experiences in three major areas. The areas of focus are participation in the daily tasks of the home, physical participation in the community, and social inclusion. The results, albeit inconclusive, suggest that adults with ID in group homes participate in a subset of the daily tasks of their homes and enjoy a large degree of physical inclusion in their communities. Unfortunately, these same people are not being socially included in the community outside of the organizations where they receive services. The reasons for this exclusion are outside the scope of the present paper but the current results demand further examination of community supports to determine the social barriers that exist between people with ID and non-disabled peers in their communities. 

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