Research on Frequency Fuzzy Adaptive Additional Inertial Control Strategy for D-PMSG Wind Turbine


The traditional additional inertial control (T-AIC) strategy can provide frequency support for the directly-driven wind turbine with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (D-PMSG). However, due to the fixed control coefficients, the frequency modulation effect is poor under load and wind speed disturbances. In order to improve the frequency transient response of D-PMSG, a fuzzy adaptive additional inertial control strategy (FA-AIC) is proposed in this paper. A simplified D-PMSG model is established for the complexity and low calculation speed. A single-machine grid-connected system composed of a D-PMSG and an equivalent synchronous generator set (ESGS) is taken as the background and analysis of the principle of T-AIC. The proportional and derivative coefficient initial values in T-AIC are tuned by simulating the static characteristics and inertial response characteristics of the conventional synchronous generator set, and fuzzy control technology is introduced to adjust the proportional and derivative coefficients adaptively based on the frequency deviation and the frequency deviation change rate under load or wind speed disturbances. The simulation verification indicates that T-AIC, kinetic energy (KE)-based gain-AIC and FA-AIC all can utilize the D-PMSG additional inertial response to provide frequency support for grid-connected systems. Compared with T-AIC and KE-based gain-AIC, the proposed FA-AIC can not only provide more effective frequency support during load disturbances, but also suppress the frequency fluctuation caused by the wind speed variation and displays a better dynamic frequency regulation effect.

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