The poem book of Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan by Iberamsyah Barbary contains local cultural elements of the Banjar community in South Borneo; that reflects the daily life of the Banjar people as a character and identity in the poetic form that different from other ethnic groups. The objectives of this study are to describe the language, the livelihood system, the system of living equipment and technology, the religious system, the social organization system in the poetry book, the semiotic code in the Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan poem by Iberamsyah Barbary. This research uses an anthroposemiotic approach. The type of research is library research It applies a descriptive analysis method. The researcher takes the data source from the Book of Poetry Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan by Iberamsyah Barbary published by the Yayasan Kamar Sastra in 2014.  The data collection applies text observation and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique of this research is descriptive. The results of this study are as follows: (1) It uses the Banjar Pahuluan language with denotation and the domination of vocal sound vowels such as a, i, and u.  (2) the livelihood of Banjar people are farming and trading, (3) the living equipment systems that the Banjar people use are as follows: Ironwood logging, jukung, gumba, house, kindai, bungkalang, and lanting.  (4) The religious system of Banjar people comprises tapung tawar, hakikat, makrifat, sharia, faith, and tauhid.  (5) system of a social organization described is wife and king and (6) The use of semiotic codes includes the puzzle code, symbolic code, connotative code, and cultural code.

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