Humanization Ethics in the Novel Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El Shirazy


Currently, dehumanization had occurred in all aspects of people's lives. This caused in many action of crimes against humanity committed by unscrupulous members of society who were not based on morals and religion. The decline in the values of humanization could not be ignored. Therefore, it was necessary to have a solution to overcome it. One of the efforts to overcome this dehumanization was through literary works, namely novels. Because in the novel the author presented an inspiring story with imaginative language, so that the reader was immersed in the novel's story. In addition, the novel contained many values of life that could serve as examples for ethical behavior through the stories of the characters. This study aimed to describe and explain the prophetic ethics of humanization in the novel of Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data source in this research was Merindu Baginda Nabi novel. Data collection techniques in this study by using documentation study techniques. The validity of the data in this study used the theoretical triangulation technique. The data analysis technique in this study used interactive data analysis techniques. The results of the study found that there are four forms of humanization prophetic ethics found in the novel, namely maintaining brotherhood, seeing someone completely or totally, removing hatred, and eliminating forms of violence. The results of this research could be used to strengthen the character of human values for the nation's next generation of people who were starting to fade.


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