Official promulgation vs “official publication’: problems of terminological definition


The effectiveness of official promulgation acts as an indicator of the democracy level in a state, necessary condition for providing the citizens’ right to know their rights and duties, guaranteed by the Ukrainian Constitution. Taking it into account, the need in distinct definition of the notion of official promulgation and publication of normative-legal acts in Ukraine is urgent.The article analyzes existent scientific approaches to defining the essence and notion of “official promulgation of normative-legal acts” by representatives of the native and foreign scientific thought.The critical analysis deals with the point of view, according to which the term “promulgation” is a synonym of the word “publication”. There is made a conclusion about its insufficient validity, in particular, because in art. 94 of the Constitution of Ukraine both terms are opposed to each other. Based on the content analysis, it was established, that the term “to publish” means “to issue in the world any text in printed form, to, publish, to print, to issue”. In its turn, the term “promulgation”(Ukr. «????????????») is formed, based on the word “open” (Ukr. «?????????»), as a synonym of the words “public”, “social”, “popular” (Ukr. «?????????», «????????????», «???????»). So, at using the term “promulgation of a normative-legal act”, from our point of view, it is understood as not only publishing its full text. The conducted analysis of key theoretical and practical problems of correlations of the notions “promulgation” and “publication” excludes a possibility of identifying these notions and gives reasons for a conclusion about expedience of using just the term “official promulgation” (Ukr. «???????? ????????????»), that is a wider notion that just includes “publication” in its content.Based on the conducted analysis, there is also offered the author definition of “official promulgation of normative-legal acts” that may be formulated as a specific juridical technology, realized by the way and order, provided by the legislation, intended for informing subjects of social relations as to the content of normative-legal acts, accepted by authorized bodies that is an obligatory condition of their effectiveness

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