PENGARUH EVA, RETENTION RATIO, DAN PROPORSI DEWAN KOMISARIS INDEPENDEN TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM(Studi pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2019)


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to test and determine the influence of economic value added (EVA), retention ratio, and proportion of independent board of commissioners on share price in consumer goods industry sector companies listed in IDX period 2016-2019. This research uses quantitative method with data retrieval technique using purposive sampling. The population in this study was a consumer goods industry sector company registered in the IDX in the period 2016-2019 as many as 16 companies with observation time for 4 (four) years to get 64 observations. The analytical technique used for hypothetical testing in this study was the analysis of data regression panel using the help of eviews 10 software. Based on the research of t test results, it is partially stated that economic value added (EVA) and retention ratio have a significant effect on the share price, on the contrary the proportion of the independent board of commissioners has no significant effect on the share price. Based on the research of F test results, it simultaneously states that economic value added (EVA), retention ratio, and proportion of independent board of commissioners have a significant influence on the share price.Keywords: EVA, retention ratio, proportion of independent board of commissioners, share price

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