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Suharto suharto,(Universitas Muhammadiyah MetroIndonesia)yuliansyah yuliansyah,(Universitas LampungIndonesia)    

This research attempts to examine how customer relationship management and customer experience influence customer satisfaction in Lampung Province retail complexes. Data was taken using non-random sampling method with purposive sampling technique and use... see more

Anggun Dewayani,Sri Widayanti,Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana    

Customer relationship management is a tool for companies to be able to get, and create good relationships with customers so that they can be a source of profit for the sustainability of business processes. PT Bhinkea Rahsa Nusantara makes customer relati... see more

Anizir Ali Murad , Tulus Haryono , Wisnu Untoro    

This research aims to analyze the effect of governance and customer relationship quality on marketing performance at Rural Banks (BPR) in Banten and West Java. In addition, this research also analyzes the efforts to improve marketing performance through ... see more

Dewi Rochmah,Sugeng Purwanto    

Smartphones have become a basic human need, so many companies deploy various strategies to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, one of which is through Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This study aims to analyze the influence of customer re... see more

Ika Novita,Irma Mardian    

Perusahaan yang brgerak dalam bidang pengelolaan finansial atau perbankan (bank), merupakan salah satu dari banyak jenis perusahaan yang telah menerapkan CRM dalam kegiatan berbisnis mereka. di tambah lagi, masyarakat yang saat ini membutuhkan peran bank... see more