The purpose of this study is to describe the marketing strategies that have the most chance of winning the competition during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data analysis methods used in this study are EFAS and IFAS with SWOT analysis with a Qualitative Descriptive Model. The research results of PT. PINDAD Persero has a very dominant strength, considering that PT. PINDAD Persero is the only BUMN engaged in defense equipment, one of the unique marketing strategies in the defense equipment industry is the government's involvement in consumer policy in determining the purchase of products contained in the state budget plan and protected by defense law, so that in line large PT. PINDAD Persero is able to control the defense industry market, but the Covid-19 pandemic era causes a potential threat of reducing the state defense budget as stated in Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2020, where the government seeks to refocus the budget for handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The refocusing of the budget for handling the covid-19 pandemic by the government can also be seen as an opportunity for PT. PINDAD Persero in exploring product research and development, both existing products in the form of ammunition as an effort to improve quality to reduce the threat of competitors in the future, as well as research and development of non-defense equipment products, where currently the production line supporting PT. PINDAD Persero which has the ability to produce tools and equipment with a forging, press and manchining system with CNC basic production to support the company's program in supporting the manufacture of medical devices in the form of ventilators (covid-19 patient breathing aids) according to government directions to several strategic. PT. PINDAD

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