Michel Foucault and Judith Butler: The Entwined Twins of Power Politics


The concept of gender is woven around and indulges in a persistent dialogue with larger discourses like psychoanalysis, postmodernism, and post-structuralism. However, as the etymological body, i.e. language has not succeeded in devastating the effects of substantial body-regardless of whether it has ordained an acknowledgment of a definitive mysteriousness of its structure. The camouflaged pattern or multitudinous varieties of feminism render immense possibilities to study and analyze the social status of women in society. Essentially, different shades of feministic examination address both plainly visible and infinitesimal issues, for example, issues identified with the development of subjectivity and representation of women in society. Regardless of whether the female body is a notion, an abstraction, a print reality, or a schematized configuration; it is never free from the effects of power and the same rule applies to the male body as well.

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Revista: Galáxia