My Life as an Ice Cream Sandwich by I. Zoboi

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Connie Winther    

OHora, Zachariah. No Fits, Nilson! New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2013. Print.No Fits, Nilson! is a children’s story book written and illustrated by Zachariah OHora. Mr. OHora has written several other well received children’s books and is an a... see more

Hanne Pearce    

Jenkins, Sophie. 2015. Illus. Sophie Blackall. A Fine Dessert: Four Centuries, Four Families, One Delicious Treat. New York: Swartz & Wade Books. Print.A Fine Dessert is about “blackberry fool” a delicious dessert made from fresh blackberries and whipped... see more

Shahram Kiaei,Masoumeh Safdari    

Heaven and hell are good places for creating the plot of a story because no one has ever seen these lands. They are hyper-real places because we imagine them like what we see on earth and can never imagine them as they are. Their reality is based on what... see more

Pitchayapa Chavangklang,Thanaset Chavangklang    

English language has become increasingly more important as it is used as an international language to communicate with people from other countries, especially in the tourism, which is one of Thailand’s most growing industrial sectors today. Although Engl... see more

Sakire Erbay    

The success of the Amish in maintaining their ancestral language until now has been well-documented in the related literature, and the arguments about this maintenance sound not to dry up any time soon. At the heart of the existing discussions stand the ... see more

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