Measuring Constantine Traders’ Knowledge about ‘2015 Event’


In perspective of the event "Constantine, Capital of the Arab Culture 2015", we undertook a modest research project largely inspired by the fieldwork achieved in Assisi in July 2013 and which aimed at gauging the state of mind of the population regarding their city as a tourist destination. For time constraints, we limited the research methodology to a questionnaire consisting of five questions that were distributed to 10 traders located in Constantine center and expected to be storefront for the tourists in 2015. These include hotel managers, restaurants, crafts, souvenir shops and cafes. The questionnaire revealed that Constantine civil authorities have not yet engaged the process of sensitization toward neither the population nor the traders; and this situation may lead to an unexpected effect on the coming great event. The success or failure of 2015 episode in Constantine is largely dependent on the quality of the information and the promotion that must accompany it.

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